Understanding Scientific Theories of Origins - Cosmology, Geology, and Biology in Christian Perspective

Understanding Scientific Theories of Origins - Cosmology, Geology, and Biology in Christian Perspective

Walton, John H.; Moshier, Stephen O.; Funck, Larry L.; Bishop, Robert C.; Lewis, Raymond J.

IVP Academic






15 a 20 dias


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Part One: Getting Started on the Journey

1. Principles and Methods of Biblical Interpretation

2. A Comprehensive Doctrine of Creation and Implications for Scientific Study

3. Knowledge and Faith in Pursuing Origins Questions

4. Creation Through the Lenses of Science and Theology

Part Two: Cosmic Origins

5. Cosmic Origins: Genesis 1:1-2:4

6. Electromagnetic Radiation and the Scale of the Universe

7. The Expanding Universe

8. The Big Bang Model and Contemporary Cosmology

9. Lives and Deaths of Stars and Fine-Tuning

10. Biblical and Theological Perspectives on the Origins of the Universe

Part Three: Origin and Geologic History of Earth

11. Origin of the Earth and Solar System

12. Historical Roots of Geology: Catastrophism and Uniformitarianism

13. The Genesis Flood

14. The Rock Cycle and Timescales of Geologic Processes

15. Rocks of Ages: Measuring Geologic Time

16. Plate Tectonics: A Theory for How the Earth Works

17. Reading Earth's History in Rocks and Fossils

18. Biblical and Theological Perspectives on Earth History

Part Four: Origin of Life on Earth

19. From Spontaneous Generation to Abiogenesis

20. Prebiotic Chemistry: Preparing the Primordial Soup

21. Biological Information: Proteins and Nucleic Acids

22. Alternative Scenarios for Life's Origin

23. Biblical and Theological Perspectives on the Origin of Life

Part Five: Origin of Species and Diversity of Life

24. Development of the Theory of Evolution

25. The Modern Synthesis of Evolution

26. Exploring the Evidence about Evolution: Phylogeny and Fossils

27. Development of an Extended Synthesis of Evolution

28. Biblical and Theological Perspectives on the Origin of the Diversity of Life

Part Six: Human Origins

29. Human Origins: Genesis 2-3

30. Human Origins: Evidence from Physical Anthropology

31. Human Origins: Genomic Evidence

32. Biblical and Theological Perspectives on the Image of God

Part Seven: Concluding Postscript

33. Biblical and Theological Perspectives on New Creation, Creation Care, and Science Education


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science;creation;origins;nature;Big Bang;evolution;cosmology;Intelligent Design;naturalism;concordism;geology;biology;physical anthropology;chemistry;astronomy;science and faith;science and Christianity;theory of origins;theories of origins;human evolution;human origins;creation care;science education;science textbook;origins textbook;science and faith textbook;Christian science textbook;sciences;modern science;scientific study;biologos;theistic evolution;evolutionary creation;christian evolutio